So my dear readers, I would like your input on something. Since Curiously Dead Cat was launched on November 30th 2017, it’s evolved to be mostly about anime. Which is great during those times when I’m watching lots of anime and have time to blog about it. Last week and this, however, I’m on the road and haven’t had a lot of time or energy for blogging. Yet I don’t want to give the impression that I’m lost to the world of blogging.

So what would you prefer: anime-related posts only when I get to them, or more personal updates from time to time. And if the latter, what kinds of things would you like to hear about?

Or would you like to more anime posts that are perhaps shorter and cover a bunch of different thoughts rather than following a train of thought that’s developed at length?

My question is inspired in part by notices I see periodically from bloggers I follow that they are either going on hiatus or leaving the blogging world permanently because of other commitments or interests. I know there will be times when I can’t blog as much as I would like, and yet I’d like to keep in touch with you in the meantime. Have any of you experienced the same thing, and do you have any advice as to what to do about it?

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12 thoughts on “A question to my readers about personal updates”

  1. I like getting personal updates time to time. Sometimes I’m left wondering about the blogger and if they are okay, so having that update is really great.

  2. Maybe do like a weekly post where you just talk about what things you’ve watched (anime or not) and put whatever personal stuff you feel comfortable sharing?

    1. I think I’d like to do that, I just don’t want to dilute the anime content too much. Of course, “too much” is really subjective!

  3. I don’t mind the occasional personal update and when a blogger has gone a bit quiet, it is sometimes reassuring to know they are still with us even if life has them a bit busy. That said, write what you feel like writing. If you aren’t watching a lot of anime but want to share another experience, go for it. If you want to have a quick post about something to do with anime, that works to.

  4. I can’t speak for others, but I won’t mind regardless of whatever content you choose. It really just depends on what you want/are capable of at the time of posting. I find that WordPress audiences are more attentive to what happens in the content, regardless of what the content is (in comparison to Tumblr, where you’ll lose a bunch of followers if you don’t stick to your topic and don’t have a multitopic blog).

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