Hi, fellow anime lovers! So if you have five minutes and enjoy absurdist comedy (and honestly, isn’t this true of all of us?), check out Working Buddies. Ostensibly a kids’ show, it’s grown on me as I’ve sporadically watched it with my little boy (who loves it).

I mean, who doesn’t like an existential koala spouting philosophical profundities?


Or a clever parody of The Ring, called The Mortar?


My favorite moment so far, though, has got to be when the characters try to hang up an anime poster:


At this point, I blinked and said,”Hey, a donkey, a chicken, a cat, and a dog standing on each others’ backs? That totally looks like the story of the Musicians of Bremen.”

Then this popped up:


It’s funny on the surface as a simple sight gag, and it’s even funnier if you know the subtle references. (How many Japanese actually know this story? I have no idea if they’re likely to get the reference at all.)

Working Buddies: Its alternate title could be There are worse ways to spend three minutes of your life.

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