Felicitations, Friends of the Feline! 😀 There were some neat things to highlight in this week’s WSJ. But before we jump in (aha aha), a few announcements:
- There is no WSJ next week, so naturally there won’t be any “Saunter” either. (It’s Golden Week in Japan.)
- Watch for another review from MiniPrimes in the near future! B-)
- We’ve hit 22 Followers!
Celebrating 22 Followers!
After our previous spike in followers put us at 17, the number of wonderful people following slowly trickled up to and past 20. (There are no non-wonderful people following.) I’ve been meaning to write a note of welcome and gratitude for a while now, but other priorities (First Impressions!) preempted it. So here goes:
- Samuru (Gaming with God): Samuru blogs about anime and video games (as you might have guessed!), and also writes—like me—for Beneath the Tangles. Also, I just realized that somehow I had neglected to follow his blog. This has now been remedied.
- Oishi (Anime and Fandom Life): I’m glad Oishi found my blog, because I don’t remember running across hers prior. Still in the process of getting a feel for her style, but she likes Wotakoi and so we shall undoubtedly get along very well!
- Daima Hussain (Charda Suuraj): Daima and her companion run this blog for the celebration of Pakistani culture. She is also an anime fan! Her favorites are Code Geass and FMA: Brotherhood, of which this Cat heartily approves!
- Lina (Tiny Ugly Animal): Lina began blogging about anime in December of 2017 (at least, judging from how far back the blog’s archive goes), so about the same time I did. Nevertheless, they’ve managed to rack up a whopping fourteen award nominations in that time! So clearly their writing speaks to a lot of people. (For comparison, I’ve received two, but I’m not jealous. Haha, I’m totally jealous!)
- Fueled by Smiling (Fueled by Smiling): FBS has an entertaining unique take to their posts. Lots of smiling, with a darker subcurrent running beneath much of their writing. I like it.
Thank you so much! 🙂
Weekly Shonen Jump
This week, some of the author quotes cracked me up! 😀
- Shun Saeki (Food Wars): “I’m addicted to frozen pasta.” The Irony is strong with this one.
- Yuki Tabata (Black Clover): “A bunch of people from France came to my house to interview me. What a day!!” I hope they didn’t drop in unannounced! Seriously, do the French have some particular attachment to BC?
Build King (one-shot)
Today’s edition featured a one-shot by Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro (Toriko). The premise? Houses begin to evolve into living creatures. It’s a fascinating premise that was, I felt, squandered on a lot of standard gags. (Guess what? The house can turn into a mecha! Hey, let’s make some unoriginal innuendo jokes!)
I would have liked to see a longer story, i.e. a jump start, that allowed for fuller development of the world depicted. It’s pretty clear that the author was forced to fall back on cliches because of lack of space.
Promised Neverland
My gosh this is so good, I just want to gush about everything that happened! Must—avoid—spoilers! I can say that as this arc in particular moves forward, we’re seeing more and more of the ‘demons’ and their society, even getting inside their heads and a bit of history. Today’s episode gave a heavier dose of this than usual.
Robot x Laserbeam
Every week I think, “Maybe I can skip RxL this week: It’s just golf, and golf is boring.” And every week, I wind up glad I read it. Today was no exception. Just as Robo’s recovered from the Don’s trap, his opponent hits a golf ball into a tree branch. Golf rules state that if a ball is hit into an unplayable location, the player can move it at the cost of one stroke. Has Robo effectively won?! Nope! His opponent climbs the tree and hits a hole-in-one!
We Never Learn
WNL continues to struggle to rise beyond cliches, and half-succeeded this time. My favorite part has got to be the Sponge Bob reference—I did not see that coming!
Black Clover
Guys, I know that the Black Clover anime gets a bad rap, and at least some of its criticism is deserved. However, if the anime ever gets to the point the manga is—with the Wizard King dead, seriously powerful enemies overrunning the capital, and nearly all the Magic Knights (How do I put this without spoilers??) out of commission—it will be worth the ride.
One More Thing…
And finally, I’m pleased to announce that I and another aniblogger whom you all know and love are doing a collab! Details to come soon!