So on my recent post on Weekly Shonen Jump, I got the following spam message:
Michelangelo e Leonardo non facevano parte dell’ordine sacerdotale, non erano stati “chiamati al servizio sacerdotale e non erano stati “unti dallo Spirito Santo. Qui si stava parlando di preti, vescovi e cardinali…. che danno scandalo. Almeno anche se la mia ignoranza non arriva alla sua, Sig. Pasquale, mi sembra di aver capito così. O no?
“Michaelangelo and Leonardo did not form part of the priestly order, they were not ‘called to priestly service and were not’ anointed by the Holy Spirit. Here it was speaking of priests, bishops and cardinals… who give scandal. At least if my ignorance isn’t as great as yours, Mr. Pasquale, I seem to have understood so. Or no?”
Which is true as far as I know. But it has absolutely nothing to do with the post. Who comes up with these things?!
So your famous in Italy it seems?
I… guess?
Lol…I also get the weirdest spam comments some times. It totally makes no sense, and I often wonder the same thing. Who DOES come up with these things…and what’s the point in writing them?
That is so bizarre on many levels. Hahaha!
Glad you liked it!
Sure thing. I’ve gotten weird spam comments, but not as hilarious as that so far.