Shadowverse is an epic game. The art is amazing (see the Mono card at the top of this post, for instance). It’s too bad, if understandable, that the Shadowverse anime opts to follow the tried and tested path of Yu-Gi-Oh instead of playing to these strengths. Nevertheless, the series has finally hit its stride and is fun to watch. Nothing too deep.

… Unless you count Luca’s existentialism.

Man, the kid gives Sartre a run for his money. His soul-crushing, depressed money. Here, have some Fuseli to make you feel better:

Henry Fuseli, The Nightmare.

Ah, much more cheerful! To be fair, Luca has a reason for his ennui: His sister seems to be terminally ill and the hospital bill is expensive. Apparently, the world of the Shadowverse anime takes after the US when it comes to universal health care.

That’s about as heavy as the series has gotten so far. Otherwise, this episode continues the usual hijinx. May we all have the self-esteem of this guy:

It’s remarkable how humble he’s become.

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