Hey friends! Something a little different today: On Twitter especially, and to a lesser extent on the blogosphere, I see a lot of you writing, “I’ve got this paper to write, but I’m stuck” or “This paper isn’t going as fast as I would like” or “Just finished one paper and now off to the next one” etc. This tells me two things. One is that many of you must be in college (or even high school?!) and that means I’m old compared to most of you, and you know what? I don’t care. Being middle-aged is awesome! At this point, I’ve got some serious life experience under my belt and the means to take advantage of it!

Ahem, apologies for the digression. Moving on…

The second thing is: I used to teach college writing. Heck, I earned accolades for innovative and effective methods for teaching how to write. I even helped design a new university writing curriculum. Though honestly, a lot of what I taught was stuff that should have been dished out in high school—at least, I wish I’d learned it in high school.

So for all you students, would you be interested in tips on writing your papers, both general advice and specific thoughts on certain assignments? I’m happy to answer any questions I can related thereto.* My background is in literature, so advice on things like science papers will be more general; even so, a lot of the same principles apply no matter what subject you’re writing about. If there’s interest, I might even do a live discussion on Twitch or YouTube one of these days. Just let me know in the comments or drop me a line on Twitter or at curiouslydeadcat@gmail.com.

* Short of doing someone’s actual assignment, of course. This is consulting, not plagiarism.

2 thoughts on “So, about that looming paper deadline you have…”

  1. What a neat idea—thanks for offering this service! I daresay more are in need of it in your circle of influence than are likely to take you up on your offer. -_-‘

    1. Thanks! Actually, this idea came out of a conversation when one of my e-friends (a blogger you would recognize) messaged me the other day asking for advice on a paper. That developed into a great conversation about Kristeva’s literary criticism which I thoroughly enjoyed. ☺️

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