Hi folks! My gratitude to Moya for nominating Curiously Dead Cat for the Real Neat Blog Award!

Speaking of CDC, you’ll be pardoned for wondering if I finally got too curious about something, seeing as it’s been a week since I last posted. Your humble servant has not been idle, however: I was busy writing First Impressions for Beneath the Tangles last week. To wit:

Gurazeni: Money Pitch

Megalo Box (with TWWK)

Comic Girls (with mdmrn and stardf29)

Anyway, on to the award! Naturally, it comes with some rules:

Display The Award Logo


Thank The Blogger Who Nominated You

Thank you, Moya!!!!

thankyouAnswer The Questions of The One Who Nominated You

  1. When you get bored at work or in class, what do you do to pass the time? In class, I tried to weave the images from my wandering imagination into the lecture content. That way, I had a good chance to remember the lecture without stressing about getting distracted. At work, I turn on anime theme music and j/k-pop.
  2. What’s your go-to insult? Plus vir sum quam unquam eris, et plus femina quam unquam habebis!*
  3. What song is really relatable to you (at the moment or just in general)? The opening to Restaurant to Another World, “One in a billion”. Check out the translation of the lyrics!
  4. How do you feel about small talk? No talk is bigger. When you first meet someone, you and they are trying to figure out how much you can trust each other. You therefore start with ‘safe’ topics that most people in that situation are likely to agree with: the weather, the food, obvious stuff. As you learn more about each other, you can then delve into more particulars that seem (and are) more substantial. But that deeper level of connection would not be possible without the initial ‘shallow’ small talk.
  5. Do you have a recurring nightmare/dream? (The plot doesn’t have to be the same. General themes, formats, feelings?) Nope.
  6. When you have a nightmare about being chased, what’s your usual method of escape? (Do you fly/fall/leap/run/freeze? If you fly, I’m especially curious about how flying feels for you) Flying.
  7. Borrowed from my last award post: if you must murder someone, how would you commit the perfect murder? By ontological sabotage, i.e., going back in time to prevent them from ever being conceived. (It’s not a crime if they never existed, right?)

Nomination 5-10 Bloggers

Medieval Otaku

Wretched and Divine

Of Midnight Ravings

Jon Spencer Reviews

Welcome to Hell Zone!

Ask Them 7 Questions

This is a bit of a grab bag. I am very much looking forward to your answers!

  1. What’s the best piece of advice you can give a fellow aniblogger?
  2. How high is a six-foot ladder?**
  3. As I was going to St. Yves, I met a man with seven wives. Each wife had seven sacks. Each sack had seven cats. Each cat had seven kits. Kits, cats, sacks, wives—how many were going to St. Yves?
  4. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  5. In Gate, the Japanese diplomat considers getting engaged to a 12-year-old noble girl who is infatuated with him. Do you approve, and why?
  6. How do you face the inevitability of death?
  7. Name one anime that you feel is seriously underappreciated.

Thank you for the encouragement, Moya and everyone!


* I am more of a man than you will ever be, and more of a woman than you will ever have!

** Note that the question is not, “How tall is a six-foot ladder?”

5 thoughts on “Neat *and* Unique! Award #2!”

  1. Congratulations on your award. That Latin insult sounds like it’s from Catullus. Am I correct?

    Thanks for nominating me. I’ll try to get around to answering your questions as soon as I can.

    1. Good question! It may be from Catullus, and as you say, it sounds like him. I just found it on a friend’s profile one day and got a kick out of it!

  2. Wow, I can’t believe I managed to miss this post. Was going to ask where the Latin quote came from too, but Medieval kind of came up with an answer!
    And I’d love to see you accomplish that murder…

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