That episode, man, was fantastic!

I can’t wait to blog on it now!

Throw in a digression,

a good first impression:

My readers will love it, and how!


What’s that? What’s wrong with my inbox?

It’s groaning and aching from strain!

There’s 80 new likes

on my comments?! Well, yikes!

I’m thrilled, but it’s hurting my brain.


Let’s quickly delete all these emails.

Surely it won’t take that long!

But my energy’s flagging

from clicking and dragging.

Perhaps this decision was wrong.


Wait, what’s this? My add-ons need updates?

The security cert’s out of date?

Well, let me dive in—it

will just take a minute—

and then I can do the post! Great!


Forty-five minutes of talking

with Bluehost, and now I am told,

“To me, it’s all muddy.

You’re on your own, buddy.”

(I wrote out this poem while on hold.)


And here’s a new note from G Console:

My readers are starting to grow,

which is great, but negated

’cause they’re all inundated

with ‘404’ codes. Nandayo?!


Computer, what does that even mean,

this error you point out with glee?

We’re supposed to be blogging,

but you’re giving me floggings!

Japanese makes much more sense to me!


And like that, the evening is spent.

Let me drink now and drown all my sorrow.

I’m too tired to write

for the rest of this night.

At least things will be different tomorrow!

7 thoughts on “The Woes of a WordPress Blogger”

  1. Thankfully I use the free WordPress version and I never get plug in or Bluehost issues….not knocking the paid one though 🙂

    1. Thank you! Glad you enjoy my writing. 😺 I don’t identify as a poet, but it’s fun to write poetry sometimes, especially humorous pieces like this. If you check out some posts from the last month or so, you’ll see I sometimes give series or episode reviews in haiku. 😸

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